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Letter of Introduction

MD Miah

Bronx | mmiah002@citymail.cuny.edu

February 14, 2021

Professor Von Uhl

Adjunct Lecturer, English Department

City College of New York

160 Convent Avenue

New York, NY 10031

Letter of Introduction

Dear Professor Von Uhl,

My name is MD Miah and I am currently a freshman at City College majoring in Business, specifically in the Economic field. Yes, I know how odd for a Business major to be in an engineering class. The reason I chose this class is that I have some interest in engineering, and since any English class counts towards my credits, I decided to sign up for this specific class. Furthermore, I heard wonderful things about you, so why not? Going more into myself, I was born here in New York, but my parents are immigrants from Bangladesh. Growing up,  I was first taught to speak Bengali by my parents as it was our main language at home, and when I started going to school I learned English along with them. I went to elementary and middle school in the Bronx. However, I ended up going to high school in Manhattan in an attempt to diversify my environment. There I met different types of people who changed my life for the better, but most of all, it was there that I finally decided on which career path to tread upon. It was me trying to make money by doing things like reselling sneakers, doing yard work, and tutoring, where I found I had an affinity when it came to economics. My goal is to start a business after college and that is the reason I sought a business degree. Although I have faced many challenges so far, such as living in a shady area and seeing many of my friends end up in bad situations that they can’t escape, I think these experiences have helped build my character and shape my personality, mostly in the way that I now know what I must not do with my life. While I do not think I am the ideal version of myself yet, I do already know what my ideal self looks like. My goal during and after college is to be as close as I can be to the person I aspire to be.


To gain further experience in a professional working environment, I decided to volunteer at my local NYC public library. I decided that the best time to start was the summer of 2019 and since I already got to know some of the librarians, I was sure it would lead to something. So, for the next few months, I was determined and dedicated to volunteering. And it finally paid off, in late January 2020 I was offered my first ever job there. After my success in the interview, which was done by the person I volunteered for all this time, how lucky, I started right away. My tasks required me to re-stocked the shelves and sometimes help clean the clutters that people left behind. I enjoyed this job, I did, it was simple, nice, even relaxing at times. However, it was about a month and a half later that the pandemic started affecting my life. Due to budget constraints, I had to be let go as did the rest of the part-timers there. This led to the next big challenge that I’m sure many others can relate to as well, dealing with the pandemic. The first few weeks of the pandemic, I focused on trying to complete my school work on time and pass all of my classes. Things went well for me academically, but like many others, I missed the outside world and being able to hang out with my friends. After graduating high school, online, here came the next part of my life, college. Getting started with online college was also a challenge because not only was this a new environment with new professors and peers, but it was also not what I imagined my first semester of college to be like. Furthermore, during this time I tried to do anything that would make me some money to live by, ranging from doing housework to reselling. This part of my life, I honestly was just trying to get my life together.


Now, that brings me to today in the second semester of my freshman year of college taking your class. I currently work 2 part-time jobs, and it’s honestly quite hectic. But I need the money, so it is what it is. My expectations for this class are that I will be able to learn something to improve on myself from my peers and the topics we will cover in class. To me, this class is another challenge I need to overcome to succeed and I hope that you, professor, will guide me to success. As Winston S. Churchill once said, “Success is not final; failure is not fatal; It is the courage to continue that counts.”



MD Miah