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Technical Description Reflection

MD Miah

Writing for Engineering

Professor Von Uhl

March 24, 2021

Technical Description Reflection

I always admit when I have trouble writing something and it was not easy writing my Technical Description. One of the reasons is that I have little experience writing research papers on how certain technologies/Inventions work. Most of my research papers have either been on history or current events. Therefore, to me, it was a completely foreign experience writing my Technical Description. The reason I wrote this Technical Description was that I wanted to explain the history, process, and make-up of a Car Engine. This included, but was not limited to, the foundation of an engine and also describing the components which are necessary for it to work. I hope that after reading my Technical Description, the readers may at least know the general idea of how a car engine works. This is also part of my motivation for writing this paper as I wished to teach others the information I have learned so that they may make use of it in their lives. Furthermore, I believe this will be a very beneficial paper for those who read it because automobiles are very common in our world and will help them understand exactly how they function. The potential audience for my paper is of course the professor as well as any of my classmates who take interest in reading my paper. Of course, I wrote my paper expecting that the people who will read it are not very knowledgeable on the history and components of a typical car engine. To further help the reader understand, I included visual examples, in the form of pictures as it is a personal belief of mine that a visual example can help the reader envision what they have read. The overall genre of this paper is a non-fiction historical journal article detailing the Car Engine. I do this by separating different pages into various topics. This allows the paper to be easily accessible to all types of readers and also allows them to find any specific sections they wish to read. When I think of the relationship I have with this paper and the audience, I think about my passion for teaching others. The satisfaction of sharing what I have learned with others and their appreciation towards it makes writing this paper all worth it. Furthermore, regarding the Outcome of negotiating my own writing goals and audience expectations concerning conventions of the genre, medium, and rhetorical situation, I think I did a pretty good job as I followed all of the examples learned in class. One such example was being shown how to cite properly, as seeing exactly how it was structured and formed helped me to correctly follow those same steps in my paper. Finally, when it came to practicing using various library resources, online databases, and the Internet to locate sources appropriate for the writing project, I used several online sources which I have cited and even used pictures as a visual example. Overall, I think I did a good job writing my paper as I followed all of the course learning outcomes and answered the prompt. In conclusion, I think this paper was a learning experience for me and has allowed me to gain confidence in doing future papers that may be similar.